Buddhist English for Children

Buddhism is not a religion or belief since Buddha pointed out the truth of life and the universe. Therefore, Buddhism is considered the most outstanding form of education in humanity. Primarily in children instruction, adults can apply the basic teachings of Buddha as an ethical subject to build attitudes and behaviors of loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom for them.
Bilingual works in English-Vietnamese and English-Vietnamese-Korean from differing authors with a variety of attractive images, colors, and video illustrations to stimulate children’s passion and exploration will be a valuable resource to sow Buddhist seeds for them early on the path of liberation from childhood.
Depending on your child’s age, you can select appropriate materials to educate your children.

Buddha tells children close and beloved stories containing profound lessons about love, morality, and kindness. Each story alludes to a vivid picture: Buddha takes kids through spiritual journeys, helping them form a good personality naturally and attractively.


6 videos

15 videos

4 videos

8 videos

The Life of Buddha

12 videos

Life of the Buddha

16 videos

Life of the Buddha

Lord Buddha stories