Sayalay Sutavatī

Biography of Sayalay Sutavatī

Daw Sutavatī (born in 1965) finished her MA Degree in English Language and Literature and B.Ed Degree, and served as an English teacher in universities.

In 1997, she was ordained in Pa-Auk Forest Meditation Center. After 3 years, she attended International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University in Yangon and finished Diploma and B Dh Degree. While there, she was appointed as a teacher in the Faculty of World Religions and Missionary Work in that University.

She attended Women’s Religious and Spiritual Leaders’ Conferences in Bangkok, Thailand and in the United Nations, Geneva in 2002 and discussed essential aspects of Buddhism in relationship with the development of World Peace.

She gave dhamma talks and meditation instructions in Beijing, China and Sri Lanka. She is now giving meditation instructions to foreign meditators (female) in Pa-Auk Forest Meditation Center until now.



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